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Board Games


Use a board game as a metaphor for something about you and your life. What moment from a board game can you use to depict you? Think about the concept of the game, the pieces, the strategy.


Ultimately, you will shoot 2 final photographs. 


Page #1: I AM (?)
Create a web on a single page that starts with "I am." The branches must include at least: 
5 facts that can be verified about you
5 personality traits (thing about what others might say (or hope they would say) about you)).
--- branch out into 2 objects that can be used for symbolism for you
5 things that you are struggling with, or being successful at
--- branch out into 2 finer details
- Biggest Life Lesson
- what you are most proud of
something that you hated at first but now you love. 
Add Symbolism to the spreadsheet linked below
- Symbolism Spreadsheet

Page #2: Board Games list?)

1. Make a list of 7 different board games. Leave space around each answer for follow up questions:

2. For each board game, answer the following:

a. What is the overall goal (how do you win?). 

b. What strategy have you used when you played?

c. What are the pieces that are used? What are their rolls?

d. Select 1 piece and write how you can personally relate to it. 

Pages #3 and 4: Board Game Sketchbook / Idea Generation (60 points - 10 points each)

1. Address your background of a 2 page spread. Dividing your space into 6 relatively equal sections. 

2. In 1 through 3 sections.... Title it "I am_______ (personality trait)." Do 3 different personality traits.

- Draw a thumbnail sketch for each section. 

- Label with the game, pieces, lighting direction, 

- Explain how your drawing represents your idea. 

3. In section 4.... Title it with your "biggest life lesson"

- What is been the biggest life lesson you have learned?

- Why is this important to you?

- Label with the game, pieces, lighting direction, 

- Explain how your drawing represents your idea. 

4. In section 5... Title it with "Strategy"

- Draw a thumbnail using a game that has a strategy that you can relate to within your life. For example: The game candy land is about random cards advancing you through a path. I can relate to this (this is fictional) because I feel I have no control over my fate. Everything in my life is dictated by something else such as my kids or obligations with my job or family. 

- Explain how your drawing represents your idea. 

4. In section 6... Title it with "Mash Up"

Create a situation outside the normal rules of the game (for example, chess with both sides the same color). The decision you make needs to be a metaphor about you. Why are you breaking the rules of the game set up? 

- Explain how your drawing represents your idea. 

Preshoot Planning (15 pts)

1. Fill out the document provided. 
2. Create a lighting diagram of your final set up. Be sure to label:
- Camera
- Strobe Lights
- background
- Modfiers (reflectors, snoot, softbox, skrim, barndoors, gobos, etc)
3. Turn in prior to shooting

Student Sketchbooks

Past Student Work

Shooting (55 pts)

Day of Shooting Requirements:
1. Shoot your best concept off your thumbnail list
2. Shoot a minimum of 24 photos. (set up the pieces in at least  3 different ways) 
3. No hands may be used.
4. One member of each group must use a gobo / cookie within their lighting set up. 
5. Must take an outshot (20 points). 
- Everything in your photo matters to the concept
- Size of the objects, spacing between objects, lighting, color, etc)
- Place objects with a purpose
- Your angle you shoot at can drastically change your image
- Use a macro lens to get up close detail
- Use a snoot (hand made) to add a spotlight to a specific area
- Use a shallow depth of field to add focus to the main subject

Contact Sheet: 
1. Create a new page titled "board games"
2. Upload 24 jpegs to your website on a new page. 
3. Label your gallery with your idea and a brief synopsis of your concept "My metaphor is.... I am representing it by....."
4. Upload your outshot to your page
5. Publish your page (if your link has changed from the database, please email me the new link)

Professional Work

Artist Statement

Write a 1-2 paragraph artist statement for each of your images. Below are questions that you can use to guide you in writing your statement. 

- What is the board game you are depicting? 


- What is the metaphor for your life that you showcase?

- How did you set up the game to showcase your idea

- Did you manipulate the game space to showcase your idea in a more interesting way?

- How did you utilize the photographer choices to showcase your idea (lighting, props, environment, focus / depth of field, character body language, character facial expression, clothing).

- What do you want your viewer to understand after viewing your artwork?

- Did you do anything in post processing to enhance your idea? (vignette, black and white, high contrast, vibrant colors, etc)

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