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Word of the Week

Problem Statment:

Create an artwork (photography) that visually represents the prompt "Beginning" (or any other forms of the word, such as begin, began)

For this unit do not do:

- Start of school

- Start of a race

Cannot do EVER:

Sunsets, sunrises,

close up images of eyes,

tops of trees,


Environments without context

Screenshots / images of screens

Images of statues / buildings without context

Sketchbook Directions

1. Create a background

Address the background

Photo 1- 2 color

Photo 2 - Use painters tape to block out a section, Address the background

2. Essential Question

a. How does an ending become a beginning?

b. How can you begin something new?

c. How do you start something that is daunting?

d. Why do we seek new things to do?

e. Why do things have to end?

f. Why are we always looking for the next best thing?

3. Brainstorming #1

Make a list of your daily activities. Leave space between each one to write down more information later

4. Brainstorm #2 

Next to each activity, write down what you do to "start" said activity. Also write down how it ends. 

5. Thumbnail Sketches

a. Draw 2 thumbnails based on your list above for beginning.

b. Draw 1 thumbnail based on your list above fro ending

c. Draw 1 thumbnail sketch on another topic relating to "beginning"


LABEL your thumbnails with at least the:
Environment & Type of light / time of day

- You can label the other photo choices if you chose to

- Clothing, body language, props, facial expression.

Photographer Choices (Linked here)

Turning in

1. Go to the canvas assignment
2. Submit your photograph (note: if you are getting a file error, it's most likely that you are not submitting a jpeg. If that is the case, do the following
-----a. Send the photo to yourself via email attachment
-----b. Download the image from your chromebook other desktop device (not a phone or tablet). 
-----c. Go to and convert your file
-----d. resubmit
3. In the comment / description section write a brief / caption that gives your viewer a different insight into the photo. 

4. Submit
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