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Abstracting Architecture
Abstract Art:

Art that does not attempt to represent external reality, but seeks to achieve its effect using shapes, forms, colors, and textures.

Problem Statement:

Your shooting problem will be about shooting architecture in an interesting / different way. 

Shooting Specs:

1 - shoot your entire roll of film

-- no people....

2 - Shoot at least 6 principles of composition (principles of comp)

3 - Have your film back by the due date (graded, no late work accepted)


Questions to ask yourself


- How can I make something that is seen everyday look different?

- How can I capture the personality of a building? (remember these are pieces of art, designed with a purpose)

- How does point of view (camera angle, through who's eyes?) affect the way a building can look?

- How can I make a building look bigger, or smaller then it really is?


The principles of composition (Texture, pattern, fill the frame, frame within a frame, point of view, rule of thirds, leading lines, light and shadow) can all be used to abstract or change the way we look at architecture. Think of this as ordinary to extraordinary, just with architecture. Always be thinking about your camera placement in relationship to the ground and the subject. Look at the images to the right for examples of how architecture can be manipulated through the lens of the camera. 

Do not do this!

Student Examples

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