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Dark & Moody


Create an image that incorporates the technical theme of dark and moody. Subject matter is open to you. 

Tips / Research:

- Use the photo archive (slides linked here) (database linked here). Use key words such as  - dark, moody, surreal, creepy, weird

- Instagram hashtags #darkandmoody   #darkphotography #lowkeyphotography   #surrealismphotography - Use other variations and keywords too

 - Joanie Simon Video (Food Photography & Editing),

- Think about how subjects can enhance the technical idea. 

- You do not have to use "dark" subjects. You can always edit to black and white and use lighting techniques to showcase this.

If you find new photographers, add them to the slides linked here

Past Student Sketchbooks

Sketchbook Expectations


1. Do your initial inspiration for the concept of "dark and moody" by looking at lot of artwork.

2. Pick one (or more) of the following to complete. 

- Essential questions

- Word chain (at least 35 words)

- Web (at least 30 words total)

3. Create 2 thumbnail sketches (on different concepts). Label with photographer choices. 

Past Student Work/ teacher work


Shooting Expectations


1. Pick your best idea from your sketchbook

2. Take 12 photos using a variety of compositional and lighting strategies. 

3. Take an outshot of your artwork. 

4. Create a new page on your website to showcase your contact sheet. 

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