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Family Metaphor


Create an artwork that visually describes your family only using objects (no human representation).



1. Paint a 2 page spread in your sketchbook

2. Make a list of every person in your "family". Think about your definition of a family, you have extended family, friends, work, teams... 



Answer at least 5 of the questions below to the best of your ability. 

1. What makes your family connected? What do you all like to do?

2. What is your role within your family?

3. Who are you most connected with? why?

4. How are you different from your family?

5. Are family members jealous of you for any reason? why?

6. Are you envious of other family members? why?

7. How has your family grown together? or apart?

8. How has your family changed? physically? mentally?

9. If you had to draw your family as straight vertical lines, who would be tallest? why? (cant use criteria of height in real life)

10. If your family members were represented by circles on a page? who is the closest to the center? why?

11. What do you wish you could change about your family?

12. What has been your best memory with your family?

13. What has been the biggest struggle with your family?

14. If your family is represented by eating utensils (fork, knife, spoon, etc), which one would you be? why?



1. On thumbnail paper (3x4) Use only circles to map out 4 different answers to the questions above. Size, shape, perspective, distance between objects will all be important to showcase. 
2. On the back of each sketch, write down at least 5 objects that you could use to represents something in your image. 

- Use the resources found in this google slideshow (hcpss only) - Link 



1. Pick your best idea, draw out 2 different thumbnail sketches  and a lighting diagram for each one on the handout that Mr. Hanson Provided

Contact Sheet Grade = 50 points

1. Shoot at least 12 photos (not including your test shots). 

- Lights must have modifiers on them

2. Take an outshot (10 points)

--- Remember your SD card identifier (letter or number)

3. Upload your 12 images to your website (be sure the images are not cropped, -5 if cropped)

4. Upload your outshot


Test Shots

Test shots are designed to ensure your lighting, clothing, and backdrops are properly lit.

1. Set up the scene exactly how you want to your photo to be seen. 

2. Take 1 photo. Look at it and adjust the following:

- Body language

- Clothing

- Backdrops

- Light Direction

- Light intensity / Aperture / Shutter Speed

Turn In / Artist Statement

1. Edit your photo to completion. 

- Export as a jpeg with the longest side 10 inches at 300 PPI

2. Submit your final photo on canvas and your outshot

3. Write an artist statement and submit in the comment section (As much space as you need to fully describe your idea). 

Address the following questions. 

- What is your overall theme?

- How did you use symbolism to showcase this theme?

- Why is this an important idea to you?

Photo Students

Art Students

Still Life

Mr. hanson

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