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Block Still LIfe

Finding value in similar colored objects

Part 1: Problem Statment:

Using white paper, and white forms, create a still life that represents a relationship in your life

Problem Statement
Principles of Composition

Step 1: Idea Generation

1. Come up with a list of 10 different "relationships" that you have in your life. 
- Your list should go from the top of your page to the bottom. 

2. Next to each one. Answer the following:

a. Why is this relationship important to you?
b. How have you struggled with this relationship?

3. Pick 3 of your 10 to explore




Symbolism is created not only by the object, but also by size, and placement within an artwork. 

Triangle - Strength, Stability,
- A triangle is stable when sitting on its base, and unstable when it is on its side or inverted. 

Circle - Never ending, no start, no end
Circles have been used for generations to represent unity. The wedding band for example is a world wide symbol of commitment for marriage.

Squares symbolize order, trust, stability, and being grounded.One of the most familiar geometric shapes in design, squares, and rectangles are used to organize and define a design, adding comforting structure along the way.What the square represents might come across as boring, but it also inherently establishes trust and security in the viewer.

Spirals have been closely linked with mystery, mainly due to the awe inspiring spirals in the galaxy where men used to look to the stars and wonder what was beyond our horizon.

Thumbnail Sketches
1. For each idea, draw out 2 thumbnail sketches using only geometric forms and flat shapes (your final will be a paper sculpture)
- Geometric forms (sphere, cube, pyramid, cone, etc.)

Requirements / notes
- Each artwork must contain at least 2 forms
- No color is allowed to be used, only white paper
- You may use flat shapes in addition to your 2 forms, but not substituting. 
- You can create different size forms
- You cannot use obvious symbolism (hearts)

- Watch this for inspiration -



1. Create your sculptures based on your sketches. 

2. Your final sculpture must fit on an 8 1/2 x 11 sheet of paper

3. Use hot glue to connect the pieces together. 

-Score the lines using a ruler and exacto knife
- Use the templates to make cubes and pyramids
- Use this link to make a cone Link
- Feel free to deviate from the templates
Final Drawing

Artist Statement

Artist Statment
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