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Manicure Collage

Cyanotype Psyche

Problem Statement:

Create a cyanotype sketchbook cover that explores the unsettling, weird, and nightmarish themes of your personal psyches. You will develop 2 individual cyanotypes that will be showcased as a diptych. They will be the front and back cover of your sketchbook. 

Problem Statement

Brainstorming / Sketchbooks


Address the Background: 5 points
Use only blue paint to address and design your background
Essential Question: 5 points
Here's your situation... After meeting someone new, interacting with them frequently for a month, you never see them again. What do you want them to say about you as a person when they speak about you? Is this different from how you think they would speak about you? 
Brainstorming #1: Webs: 15 points
Create an individual web for each of the following themes: 5 total... make them small(ish)


Wants / Needs / Desires

Ambition / Goals


Success / Confidence

Iteration # 1 - ideas or general themes that relate to you and that topic (6 total / web)

Iteration #2 - tangible objects (see and touch) that deal with your ideas. (12 total / web, 2 for each item in iteration #1)

Brainstorming #2: Thumbnail Sketches: 15 points
Create an individual web for each of the following themes: 5 total... make them small(ish)
Design / Craftsmanship: 5 points
Did I use my entire space well?
Did I cut things straight?
Did I use the appropriate adhesive material?
Is my writing / labeling legible?


Artist Inspiration

IMage Processing

Image Gathering
1. Collect your images. You can use your own images, or use royalty free websites such as uplash and creative commons
--a. Save your images in a google folder title (cyanotype images). 
2. Edit your images - use the presentation linked here - 
Photoshop Document Creation
1. Create a new Photoshop Document. 18" wide x 9" tall. 300 dpi
2. Save as "Last Name_Cyanototype"
3. Save in your google drive folder
Image Editing to create a digital negative
1. Open your image in Photoshop.
2. Select your image using a variety of tools (lasso, magic wand, marquee, etc.)
3. Copy (control + c) and paste (control + v) to create a new layer. 
4. Convert to Black and white (Image => adjustments => Black and white)
--- Tweak color values to create a high contrast image
5.  Tweak the contrast more (Image => adjustments => curves)
6. Invert your layer (control + i)
7. Tweak your contrast again if needed (Image => adjustments => curves)
8. Copy your layer (control +a, then control + c. 
9. Paste your new layer on your 18x9" new photoshop document (control +v)
Designing your digital cover
1. Alter the size of your digital negative (control + t). Rotate and change size. 
2. Move the image around to the appropriate location. 
Share your photoshop document with Mr. Hanson
1. In google drive, right click on the photoshop document. 
2. Share with

Cyanotype Videos

Cyanotype Videos

Cyanotype Videos
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Cyanotype   Sourcing Images
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Cyanotype Sourcing Images

Cyanotype  - Making your PS document
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Cyanotype - Making your PS document

Cyanotype - Editing Images
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Cyanotype - Editing Images

Transform Individual Layers
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Transform Individual Layers

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